In August 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a stop sale order of Imprelis®, an herbicide, after receiving hundreds of reports that the chemical was harming certain species of trees. The primary trees affected are Norway Spruce and white pines, although others have been destroyed as well. Imprelis, manufactured by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont), remains off the market while the EPA investigates.
How did this happen? In an August 2011 letter to DuPont, the EPA stated “the directions for use and/or warning or caution statements on the DuPont Imprelis Herbicide…are inadequate to protect…certain species of trees.”
Although the EPA has stopped Imprelis from damaging more vegetation, it is too late for the trees that have been irreparably harmed – most dead or dying – by this faulty and dangerous product. If your trees have been damaged or killed by Imprelis, you deserve fair compensation for your losses. Contact the law firm of Plevin & Gallucci to learn more.
Why You Deserve Compensation
It is the legal and ethical duty of chemical manufacturers to produce goods with full and complete warning labels for their safe use. DuPont’s failure to do so means the company owes you compensation for your undue losses. Had you been properly warned and instructed in your use of Imprelis, your trees would not have suffered irreversible damage.
The EPA has stated DuPont’s failure to provide adequate directions and warnings for use of Imprelis has deemed the product “misbranded.” It is a violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act to sell any misbranded pesticide. As a result, DuPont suffered the stop sale of Imprelis and may face civil penalties by the EPA.
Contact us today to learn more about your legal right to compensation for your losses. The attorneys of Plevin & Gallucci have decades of experience fighting against manufacturers of faulty products and are determined to help you win the compensation you deserve.
Class Action Not Your Only – or Your Best – Option
Representatives for DuPont say the company has begun to send compensation offers to a portion of the 33,000 property owners who have filed claims. However, The Columbus Dispatch reported that while claimants have received offers, very few have actually received checks. Moreover, claimants say that compensation offers are based on damage assessments from last year before the full extent of the devastation was known. Property owners should not have to settle for empty promises and unfair compensation from DuPont. Contact the law firm of Plevin & Gallucci and our attorneys will file a claim on your behalf so you receive the full compensation you are owed.
What is Imprelis?
According to the EPA, Imprelis (active ingredient: aminocyclopyrachlor) is a selective, mildly toxic herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds without any negative impact on surrounding plants. Its use is intended for sites that do not produce food, such as:
- Turfs/lawns;
- Golf courses;
- Sod farms;
- Rights of way;
- Wildlife management areas;
- Recreational areas.
If your trees may have been injured by Imprelis, please contact our knowledgeable attorneys today. The consultation is free and carries no obligation.